Friday, March 30, 2012

A time for everything....

Man, did I get what I needed when opening my devotional today! I've been thinking a lot about my future lately, specifically looking into finances; what I need to put aside now in order to be comfortable for that beautiful time they call retirement!! In researching numbers and percentages, I was also looking at different careers in different locations. I thought about where some of my friends are and their incomes, I thought about the average 25 year old, etc.

Today I caught up on both yesterday and today's entries from my favorite devotional: Sarah Young's Jesus Calling. Too good not to share!

March 29th entry:
STOP TRYING TO WORK THINGS OUT before their times have come. Accept the limitations of living one day at a time. When something comes to your attention, ask Me whether or not it is part of todays agenda. If it isn't, release it into My care and go on about today's duties. When you follow this practice, there will be a beautiful simplicity about your life: a time for everything, and everything in its time.
A life lived close to Me is not complicated or cluttered. When your focus is on My Presence, many things that once troubled you lose their power over you. Though the world around you is messy and confusing, remember that I have overcome the world. I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have Peace.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. --Ecclesiastes 3:1

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

Lesson: When you're worried about your future, remember that God has big plans for your life. You need to put your concerns up to him before you start worrying and get anxious. I'm not saying you shouldn't plan or care about your future because you should but like the given verse says: There is a time for everything.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Live like no one. . .

Live like no one now so you can live like no one later...
The Total Money Makeover, Dave Ramsey

Lesson: save your money

Monday, March 26, 2012

25: a fun point to see where everybody's journey is at

Today I'm celebrating 25 years of life.

What does one do on their 25th birthday? Well, I've always wanted to hit up Disneyland and hadn't done it since moving to SoCal so I thought this was the perfect time to cross it off my bucket list! So yesterday my friend Steph and I spent the day at Disneyland bringing in the 2-5. First time there and man, it really is the happiest place on earth!! They gave me a button that said "Happy Birthday Sarah" so all day, the crew and strangers would say "Happy Birthday Sarah!" (and yes, I loved it!)

After returning from Disney, I fired up the laptop while sinking into the couch to check my Facebook wall. Oh my gosh - it blows me away how many people remembered my birthday!! ha, okay so obviously you all know Facebook tells you but you know what actually surprises me? How excited I get from the acknowledgement and caringness of all these loved ones in my life!! Seriously, I was surprised at how giddy I was! When I rolled over to check the time on my phone this morning, there was a notification that Joe Korkowski and 56 others have posted on your wall. Holy smokes world, I'm just rolling out of bed and you guys are already making my day! Birthday wishes from all over the United States including Florida, Minnesota (represent!), Faaaargo, Arizona, Chicago plus Sweden and even the Artic Ocean!

Last night after I saw people starting to post birthday wishes, I thought of each person in my life and how different they are. Everybody has such a great story to tell, I wonder where they were at at age 25? So I shared my thoughts and asked others to share where they were at in their journey at age 25.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Today after a lazy afternoon at Tara's parents, I decided to head down to the dock and try out this somewhat new sport, SUP: Stand Up Paddleboarding.
I didn't do it long as I wasn't feeling anything that took extra effort plus I didn't feel real stable. I'm going to tackle it again in proper apparel and attitude. While I was walking back up, I was thinking of our lazy afternoon. We both admitted to eating like crap lately, hadn't exercised and felt unmotivated.
As I walked up those long stairs back up to the house, the simplicity of the lesson came to me: anything worth value requires discipline.
If you want a degree, you must go to college. This requires discipline to get up, go to class, study and get good grades. If you want a nice figure, you must discipline yourself to eat good food, say no to crap and cake, exercise. If you want a long lasting marriage, you must discipline yourself to stay true to your spouse. If you want money in the bank, discipline your spending.
As I got back to Tara in the house, I told her my thoughts. She replied:
"Duh, I have no discipline that's why I haven't accomplished anything."
I love this girl. She always makes me laugh!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Invisalign....even if recipient forgets, promises don't expire.

This last week I was told "you have a beautiful smile" by a fellow at the bar. I didn't know how to react, really. This was the first time I could ever remember anybody telling me those words. Sure, my mom and dad probably told me over the years, but here I was, just a few days short of 25 years old and his words hit me like a ton of bricks! He probably didn't think much of the compliment but it meant the world to me! Sadly, I can't even really remember how I responded. I think I blew it off.
My Invisalign case:
I've always been an outgoing gal with a good amount of self confidence but I would say but one thing that I've always been embarrassed about was my smile. I sucked my thumb until I was almost 10 and it had its effect on my teeth in addition to having crowded mouth too. My parents always hoped to get me braces in high school but understandably with helping my older two siblings through college, finances were tight. Last March, my mom and sister came out to California for a girls wine weekend! One morning while my sis slept in, Mom and I ran to get coffee. Mom handed me a envelope while I was taking the key out of the ignition, ready to head in. The confusion probably showed on my face as I looked up at her asking, "what is this?" She went on to explain that they've always wanted to get me braces but with finances being tight with the others in college, it wasn't in the budget. She handed over the envelope with a letter explaining that they were going to be "helping" me with Invisalign. I was blown away. Many things can be forgotten. When someone follows through on a promise, even after the recipient forgets, geniune character speaks.
 So June 2011, I started my Invisalign treatments and the results have been amazing! Most cases wear Invisalign for about 12 months but with mine, it'll be about 18 months. After that, I'll probably have to wear the metal braces for 2 months on just the bottom (crowded) and then they'll put the permanent bar in behind my bottom front teeth. See my predicted Invisalign case here.

Lesson for my kiddios: When I tell you to take care of your teeth, it's because I've been through it. Don't go to kindergarden sucking your thumb.
If you make a promise to someone and time passes, that doesn't mean the promise expires. Even if the recipient of your promise forgets, go on to fulfill that promise. Believe me, it goes miles!

And to my Mom & Dad, thank you.

a SMILE is the most beautiful curve on a womans body

To my son/s: Remember this when choosing your wife. There is nothing more refreshing than a woman who knows how to smile. It seems simple but not every woman can do it. And learn to separate the fake from the geniune. Find a woman who can smile at simple things. It's amazing to look at a man whose staring at his smiling woman.

To my daughter/s: You will battle with your self image, all woman do. Like each lesson I choose to blog about, I would't take the time and energy to do it if I didn't think it wasn't important. Don't waste the time and energy worrying about what others think of your curves. DO take the time and energy to care for your body and your health.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

When my guy friends get married....

Today I was texting with my Dad and he mentioned one of my guy friends mom's told him that I was coming home in April to fish with my buddy.
Now, that is partially true; I told my buddy if I was home and it worked out, we could fish crappies. On the other hand, things have changed and I've got to treat this friendship with extra care. You see, "Joe" got married this last year. A whole new twist: we can't just hang out like normal anymore. As cool and brother/sister relationship as we are, I'm a female and he's a male. Girls get jealous. I don't care who it is and how much trust is in a relationship. I must respect his new bride like I would want to be respected. If my new hubby was out fishing with one of his old gal pals, I'd be cautious too.
For the record, "Joe" and I have never gone there....nothing more than a great friendship. If we had dated, messed around, etc., then its a whole 'nother story. I haven't gotten to know his new bride a whole lot, in fact, I just met her at their wedding for the first time. She seems like a wonderful woman and well, of course she is, she's married to a great guy who I'm lucky enough to call a friend!

As easy as I wish it could be to just go out in the boat and fish, I have to remember to take that extra precaution now to give his wife the respect she deserves.

Lesson at the end of all this: When a friend of the opposite sex gets married, give their bride/groom the same respect you would appreciate. Think situations over and remember The Golden Rule.
It sucks sometimes because it's innocent but go the extra mile. They'll appreciate it.

Morals, Values, Character.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cash or experience?

Today's life jar message reads:

In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.  - Harold Geneen

Not always an easy decision. Experience is priceless though. Many times when starting out at an entry level job, we're not satisfied with the coins. Little do we know that every task we are given, it is gold. Next time you get a task that you know nothing about, look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn something new. Once you accomplish that "can do" mentality, you will rarely get frustrated. A "can do" attitude is worth gold!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Staying positive is work! But well worth it!

Staying positive is not easy, it's tough. It's work. It's similar to relationships, keeping in shape, school. You have to work at it daily in order to stay on track.
People sometimes ask me why I'm happy all the time. Well, um, I choose to be...? I shouldn't say that with any resistance. That's the honest answer! I'm happy because I choose to be! And I work at it!
I was thinking about this the other day and realized how many ways I work at being happy. There are a number of different ways I go out of my way to stay positive.

Positively Positive is a great way to train your attitude!
About every 3 months, I go to Postively Positive's Facebook Page or website and copy and paste their inspirational statuses all over my work calendar. At 3:10 pm on a Tuesday afternoon, my phone beeps. It might be for a conference call coming up, other times it beeps with a great quote. Every Monday morning at 10:35 am, I have a weekly pop-up that says "New Week + Positive Attitude = Great Opportunity". We get so caught up in everyday calls, bills, meetings, etc. that we need reminders of why we go through all of this. I take the time every couple months to sprinkle my calendar with these fun pop-ups to help remind me.

My Life Jar
My daily fortune cookie :)

I love quotes and I love surprises so naturally, I love fortune cookies! I decided to make my own little version of a fortune cookie with "The Life Jar". After using a glass gallon jug (you know the kind the old orchard apple cider comes in) for change/coins, I decided some of these quotes might be more valuable than the money in the jar. So I went online and collected many quotes, all different topics. Friendship. Laughter. Wisdom. Sex. Goals. Education. Children. Purpose. Fame. Prayer. Business. Rest. God. Money. Health. And the list goes on....I cut all these up into the size of the paper found in a fortune cookie. I filled the jar with quotes and put it on a shelf in my office.
There's 2 rules of the Life Jar:
#1: You only get one quote a day.
#2: You have to share it with someone. Drop it in someone's purse. Text It. Tweet it. Mail it. Leave it as a tip. Just pass it on.

It's fun to see friends/family that stop over frequently go straight to the jar to get their daily quote. Someone said it's a great idea to market. Eh, for now, I'm just enjoying the little inspiration it brings when I need it.

Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling",
a 365 Daily Devotional
Probably the biggest part of the happiness in my life is God. Having God's love in my life is what makes me glow and gives me purpose. In the morning, I take a couple extra minutes to read my devotional (that I've talked about before: Jesus Calling by Sarah Young). I take the time to read and digest the text daily because I see the positive effect it has on me. The words in the daily devotional remind me of God's love for me, how I can help others, how to avoid negativity and drama, etc. It helps me decide where I want my mindset for the day. I can't express enough how much I treasure this book.

In addition to my daily devotional, I enjoy many uplifting books like many others do. Some of my recent favorites are "The Happiness Project", "Everyday A Friday", "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" and "Think Big".

Everytime I spin my "I am grateful..." ring, I'm reminded
how blessed I am! At this moment, I was grateful for
my good friend Gary Goldstein aka Uncle G and what a great
role model he is to me. Also, how can you not be thankful for
a killer view like his? Gary's Santa Monica condo overlooking
 the ocean!
In November 2011, I received the coolest gift from my good friend Gary Goldstein. I was helping Gary for an afternoon and I came by this cool postcard that said "I am thankful for...YOU!" Gary gave me a ring that reads "I am grateful for..." The postcard goes with a ring designed by a woman named Jenny Craig (cool name, eh?). The ring actually spins. So ladies, you know how we catch ourselves playing with our jewerly? Well, everytime you play this with this ring, it spins. And when it spins, you have to think of something you're grateful for. After Gary saw how excited I was about these rings, he gave me a handful to give out as gifts. These rings are such a unique reminder to be thankful for all we have in our lives! You can order or find out more about them at Live Your Power's online store.

Lesson: Staying positive and finding happiness is not always something that just comes easily. You have to work at it. 90% of it is learned by how you tune your attitude.

How do you stay positive?


SaraHHouse365 | Thankful
SaraHHouse365 | Forgiveness
SaraHHouse365 | Zig Ziglar

home vs. house

This afternoon I spent with one of my very favorite families: The Mr. Robert & Jacquelyn Larson family who I refer to ask "Bob & Jac" (sorry, Jacquelyn). I met Jacquelyn and her daughters Tara and Maggie last June when we all were teachers at Calvary's Vacation Bible School. Tara is now one of my closest friends, Maggie "Marge" is like another sister to me and Bob and Jacquelyn have been my "California parents". Bob and Jacquelyn moved to Lake Sherwood a few months ago in December 2011. They went from a 3,500+ sq. ft. home to nearly a third of that. It might be a downsize on the square footage of their beautiful home in Thousand Oaks but definitely an up-size in their beautiful view of Lake Sherwood! Personally, I love the size of the new place; it makes it more homey and cozy in my opinion.
898 Lake Sherwood Dr.

 Tonight as I left their home, I looked over at the big empty estate next to them. This estate is HUGE! It's a beautiful piece of work and it's a shame it's not occupied. I went home and looked at a few pictures of it off the real estate website tonight.
The home is side by side with the Larsons, maybe 5 yd. between. Tonight, if that home would've been occupied, they would've been able to glance into the Larson's TV room and saw all of us sitting around, laughing and chatting.
The Larsons' have fixed up their new lake house to the most beautiful cozy place! I absolutely love spending time at their place, why? Because of them, the Larsons! Sure, the view is gorgeous and they're surrounded by celebrities and millions of dollars but that's not why I enjoy going there. At the end of the day, it's the people in a house that make a home!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Another spaghetti strainer...

At HomeGoods listening to a couple argue about strainers.
"honey, we already have 3or 4"
"but this one is specifically for spaghetti, that plastic one we have is not good on spaghetti"

lesson: Dont ever let myself get to the point of 3+ strainers or having to sell my hubby on a kitchen appliance.

What the heck am I doing in HomeGoods on a sunny Sunday afternoon?!

Happy St. Patrick's DAy!

The Chicago River turns green
every St. Paddy's Day, a tradition that
started in the 1960's*
While most people celebrate St. Patrick's Day with cornbeef and green beer, I spent mine in bed.
All day in bed.

I went out the night before, had one too many long island's and found myself with a slight headache on Saturday morning. It wasn't anything horrible, just slight. Once I started up the first episode via Netflix of this very similiar to Sex & the City show, I couldn't stop. The rain outside + my clean, crisp, warm bedsheets added to the excuse of staying in bed...all day! I don't know when the last time I've spent all day in bed was. I do know it was amazing though!
So while everybody celebrating the Irish in them, the closest I got to any Irish celebration was a green drinking glass full of water & green grapes. (Okay, so I had my cute green St. Patty's undies on too!)


Friday, March 16, 2012

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve

I got this from a great friend of mine, Stephanie Tersteeg.
I'm going to share the 4th lesson because it stuck out at me the most.

4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The  obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a  boulder placed on a
Roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see  if
Anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the
King's'  wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by
And simply walked around  it.. Many loudly blamed the
King for not keeping the roads clear, but  none did
Anything about getting the stone out of the  way..

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of 
Vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the
peasant laid  down his burden and tried to move the
stone to the side of the road.  After much pushing
and straining, he finally succeeded. After the 
peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed
a purse  lying in the road where the boulder had
been. The purse contained  many gold coins and a note
from the King indicating that the gold was  for the
person who removed the boulder from the roadway.  The
peasant learned what many of us never  understand!

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to  improve
our condition.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Asparagus = weird urine smell?

Mmmmm.....I've been on a fresh asparagus kick! Delicious!
I've heard it before and recently, got the great experience of that odd smell that affects your urine when eating it.
Decided to look it up and get smart. . .

An article from allDAY.
"Asparagus contains a sulfur compound called mercaptan. It is also found in onions, garlic, rotten eggs, and in the secretions of skunks," they wrote. "The signature smell occurs when this substance is broken down in your digestive system. Not all people have the gene for the enzyme that breaks down mercaptan, so some of you can eat all the asparagus you want without stinking up the place. One study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that only 46 percent of British people tested produced the odor while 100 percent of French people tested did."

Facebook: reason for divorce?

I've heard that Facebook was the second reason for divorce last year. Ouch! Decided to do a little research and see if it was true.
Parker strayed to a woman
he kept in touch with via
A December 2010 article from says one in five divorces involve the social networking site Facebook.  A staggering 80 per cent of divorce lawyers have also reported a spike in the number of cases that use social media for evidence of cheating.
Facebook was by far the biggest offender, with 66 per cent of lawyers citing it as the primary source of evidence in a divorce case. MySpace followed with 15 per cent, Twitter at 5 per cent and other choices lumped together at 14 per cent.

'Desperate Housewives’ star Eva Longoria recently split from her basketball player husband Tony Parker after alleging that he strayed with a woman he kept in touch with on Facebook.
I've seen couples have a combined account like "JoeandSueJones". Do you think that is silly or smart? Do you think couples should be able to have each others passwords to social network sites? If somebody contacted you and the conversation got flirty, would you tell your spouse about it?

I believe that if you don't get a hold of yourself and set regulations for technology use in your life, it's going to get out of control, both individual use and relationships.

Marriage counsellor Terry Real said he believes some users go on Facebook to create a fantasy life and escape the drudgery.
But he said Facebook is not really to blame.
‘Before it was email, then before that it was the phone. The problem is not Facebook, it is the loss of love in your marriage,’ he said.

That's a wrap! Ending Season 3, Aubrey's 1st season

So proud of Ms. Aubrey today! Today was Aubrey's last day on her first season on Modern Family as "Lily"!
 She will go back for her second season (Modern Family's 4th season) in late summer/early autumn.
I'm so impressed with the whole cast and crew! The way they make things happen is unbelievable! And everybody is above and beyond with Ms. Aubs!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Life is about service.....Sarah's House

So I think that if you are alive, healthy, grateful for your life and have an extra hour each week (we all know we can make an extra hour), that you should be reaching out to help others. There's no reason for not helping others. I believe life is about service. Serving others, helping others....
I'm excited for the next volunteering opportunity I'm hoping to get involved with! Today I reached out to a materinity home, Sarah's House.
Okay, first of all, how cool is it that the names are the same? That's how I first found out about this place; the name totally caught my eye when I saw they were holding a 5k. I entered and I'll never forget what the lady behind the table said when I signed up. She looked at my entry and said "oh no ma'am, your name goes here." hahaha!! I replied, "actually, this is kinda crazy but my name really is Sarah House," while I pulled out my drivers license for proof. It was fun event and since then, I've really wanted to reach out to volunteer and help out there.

A little about Sarah's House: Sarah's House is a non-profit, Christian Maternity Home dedicated to helping homeless, single and expectant mothers who want to make positive changes in their life, while in a secure, residential setting.     The residents are provided shelter, guidance and encouragement with the assistance of an understanding staff and group of volunteers.
With every woman that comes to Sarah's House, there also comes a mission. The women are given goals, requirements, and life skills to prepare them for the road ahead.

Sarah's House website:

After all, we give because we are grateful. Are you grateful for all that you have? How are you showing and reminding yourself of that gratefulness?

SaraHHouse365 | 14 Ways to Love Your Neighbors
SaraHHouse365 | Staying Passionate about Life!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Thoughts on living wills?

Rich & Ruth's new home - click here to view video
This past weekend I fortunate enough to spend a 5-day weekend in Minnesota celebrating my brother-in-law, Rich's 30th and my Dad's birthday as well. Not only did we celebrate birthdays but it was also the first time everybody was gathering at their new home.

 Mom’s final doctor/ appointment (she got the clear she’s good to go! Woohoo!), we met up with my Aunt Paige and Aunt Cheri for some drinks and appetizers. We talked about many topics - current and old and one topic that I want to touch on is wills, you know the paper you make to give ownership over of your possessions. It made me ponder and wanted to ask some opinions. How old do you think you should make a will at? Do you think parents should take the initiative to make a will or should the children request it? Should the  will be decided by parents only or should the parents meet with their children to discuss it?

Of course I can understand where this is a very sensitive subject for many. You don't want to sound selfish for already planning out what you get or how horrible to already start planning for your parents death. For others, it's a responsibility or a life task that they hit head on. It's reality, we're all going to die, might as well be ready for it.
 For mom and her sisters, there's 6 children in the family. My grandmother has already passed away and my grandpa has remarried. I don't think Grandpa has made up a will yet and if that's true, I'm scared. I've heard such tragic stories about families that have been tore apart because no will has been made. Grandpa has an airport business involved, a second lake home up north, an airplane, etc.
 What are your thoughts on this? Do you think his “stuff” is just his now or do you think my late grandmother still has some ownership, even though dead? My grandmother worked hard for her children and she expressed would want her kids to have their (my grandfather and grandmother’s) “stuff”. I think if my Grandpa doesn’t get a will drawn up very soon, it’s going to be World War III. I should note, my grandpa's new wife is wonderful and we all love her! 
 When we have rules and regulations to follow, things go a lot smoother because there’s an order to follow. Everybody will have items they would like to possess to remind them up of their parents, and there will be fights. My opinion is the more thorough the will, the less room for fighting.  The more thought through and exact directions there are for everything, the less wiggle room for fighting. I believe it’s the responsibility of the parents to draw up a will as soon as possible. I’ve heard of spouses passing at 40 and they already have a will drawn up.
  • How much do wills cost?
  • What's the average age people get a will made up at?
After thinking about it, I think people need to buck up, set feelings or awkwardness aside and handle this like serious, professional business. It might be awkward for couple days but overall, it's going to save a lot of tears, hearbreak, fights, relationship endings, family break-ups, etc. I believe it's your responsibility to your family (or friends) to have this taken care of.

After a few minutes of research online, I found that they've made wills very easy!! Check out to do your own will online. Or if you want to see an example of a sample will, you'll realize they don't have to be complicated.

Side lesson: I learned tonight is book a flight when it’s pretty decently cheap. Tonight my flight  left at 7:25 pm and I booked my flight at 3:50 pm. Just 4 hours before and  it costed me $ way...ouch!

Monday, March 5, 2012

TGFP....Thank God for Problems..wait?!

Problems are problems. They are bummers. Negative. Not fun. Bad. Then why the heck should we be thankful for them? Today's devotion talks about how God designed problems for us. And I'm suppose to say thank you...? Read on and it will make more sense like it did for me.

The Daily Devotion for March 5th, Sarah Young's Jesus Calling.

Make friends with the problems in your life. Though many things feel random and wrong, remember that I am sovereign over everything. I can fit everything into a pattern for good, but only to the extent that you trust Me. Every problem can teach you something, transforming you little by little into the masterpiece I created you to be. The very same problem can become a stumbling block over which you fall, if you react with distrust and defiance. The choice is up to you, and you will have to choose many times each day whether to trust Me or defy Me.
Second paragraph goes on to read....

The best way to befriend your problems is to thank Me for them. This simple act opens your mind to the possibility of benefits flowing from your difficulties. YOu can even give persistent problems nicknames, helping you to approach them with familiarity rather than with dread. The next step is to introduce them to Me, enabling Me to embrace them in My loving Presence. I will not necessarily remove your problems, but My wisdom is sufficient to bring good out of every one of them.

We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His} design and purpose. -- Romans 8:28 AMP

But we preach Christ crucified; a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the Wisdom of God.
--1 Corinthians 1:23-24

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Life is like a grindstone...

Listening to Les Brown's cd set. Today's quote that caught my attention:
"Life is like a grindstone, it can wear you down or it can polish you up, depending how how you position yourself. "

Current books I've got my nose in....

Woooweee!! I sure have been finding a lot of Barnes & Noble receipts laying around lately. I don't know if I feel like I need to get my money's worth out of my $25 annual Barnes and Noble membership card or if I think I just have a book fund that's neverending but lately, I've been supporting Barnes and Noble like it's no big deal. You would think I would just purchase a Kindle or Nook. I'm really trying to hold off from the electronics. It's probably the "old school" my parents instilled in me. I love physical books. And the perk of pulling out a book when everybody else has to shut off their electronics on a plane is somewhat of a "high" for me. Anyways, there's been a few great books I've picked up there so far and I wanted to share them.  - SH

#1: THE HAPPINESS PROJECT by Gretchen Rubin
My good friend Lauren recommended this book to me. I would call it a self-help book. Definitely enjoying this read, learning to step out of your normal routine and try new things. This book has definitely helped me learn self awareness.
"Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany one rainy afternoon in the unlikeliest of places: a city bus. "The days are long, but the years are short," she realized. "Time is passing, and I'm not focusing enough on the things that really matter." In that moment, she decided to dedicate a year to her happiness project. In this lively and compelling account, Rubin chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier. Among other things, she found that novelty and challenge are powerful sources of happiness; that money can help buy happiness, when spent wisely; that outer order contributes to inner calm; and that the very smallest of changes can make the biggest difference."
How this book has tweeked me: That it's okay to be you and sometimes not do everything 110%. Example, I wrote the majority of this blog entry yesterday with the intention of posting it but I thought I might need to add a few other clips from books so I saved it in drafts folder. Now if it wasn't for what Gretchen Rubin said, this post probably wouldn't have gotten finished until June (or perhaps never). Whether this blog is done 100% complete or not, tonight it's getting posted. It's better to throw it out there 75% done then never put it out at all. With that being said, I do know following through and giving it your all to the end but for smaller things, sometimes you gotta just throw it out there with whatcha got.

#2: THROUGH MY EYES by Tim Tebow
 Mr. Tebow's opening paragraph really caught me. People praise him and he doesn't feel like he deserves the credit, other times people criticize him and it cuts him to the bone. He mentions that even some feel they know his mindset and thoughts. But he wants it to come from him. That's where the title came from: THROUGH HIS EYES. You'll learn a long the way of this blog, I'm a Christian woman and let me tell you, Tim Tebow is not only good looking but he's every Christian Woman's dream man. When I get frustrated with the dating scene and think that there's no "normal", good Christian men out there, I remember Tebow, his actions and what he stands for. There is still good Christian men out there and I know God has the perfect one for me (maybe Mr. Tebow himself?) In the meantime, I'm working on the same qualities that a woman should have to support that type of man. This book tells the story of how Tim became what and where he is today. I also love what the Tim Tebow Foundation stands for: bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need. woot woot!!

#3: JESUS IS CALLING, a 365 devotional by Sarah Young
My friend Tara and her mother Jacquelyn were the first who told me about this book. Then Kelsey, a fellow lady in my bible study/life group told me that when things like they are falling apart, this is the book that keeps her mind strong and prevents her from going crazy many days (note: Kelsey is a wonderful wife and mother of two youngins). I respect both these women very much so after both highly recommended it, I took the dive and dropped $19.99 (ooh wait, plus my B&N discount!!) on it. Let me tell you, WORTH EVERY PENNY!! and then some! :)
Example: April 16th: I am calling you to a life of thankfulness. I want all your moments to be punctuated with thanksgiving. The basis for your gratitude is My sovereignty. I am the Creator and Controller of the universe. Heaven and earth are filled with My glorious Presence.
When you criticize or complain, you are acting as if you think you could run the world better than I do. From your limited human perspective, , it may look as if I'm mismanaging things. But you don't know what I know or see what I see. If I pulled back the curtain to allow you to view heavenly realms, you would understand much more. However, I have designed you to live by faith, not by sight. I lovingly shield you from knowing the future or seeing into the spirit world. Acknowledge My soverignty by giving thanks in all circumstances.


Just borrowed this from a friend. From what I understand, there's 5 Love Languages how we communicate Love to one another: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, Physical Touch. Once I dive into this further, I'll update.

#5: THE YOUNG & THIRSTY by The Kovac Brothers

The Young & The Thirsty: 25 California Wines For New School Drinkers is the mold-breaking new book by young winemakers Jacob and Jesse Kovacs that provides a map to their peers just beginning to cultivate a love for wine. The brothers’ goal is to launch a million winos with guidance as to which vintages offer a proper introduction to the sweet grape without being too harsh on the palate or pocketbook.

Summer, Jesse and myself in March 2011
at Kent's birthday party
I bought this book in October 2010 from Jesse Kovacs, the stud a lot of you might know from ABC's The Bachelorette and The Bachelor Pad. A week after I moved out to California, we held the Bachelor Pad Premiere Party at our house and I was in charge of putting it together. After getting to know Jesse over the next couple months, I was invited to the Bachelor Pad Finale in Manhattan Beach where saleman Jesse talked me into buying a book. Jesse and brother Jacob put together a book of their wines, their ratings and explain how they grew up in the vineyard.
 To see Kovacs Brothers website, click here.

Ask me sometime in person to see his personal message on inside cover.
Kovacs and girlfriend Summer have opened a boutique in La Jolla, CA (just north of San Diego) where it combines both their passions: apparel and wine. Take a look.


Can't remember exactly where I first heard about this book but when I inquired about it at the library, the customer service lady said it was a classic. Haven't jumped into it quite yet but I'll update you more when I do. I'm reading it not because Aubrey is a difficult child, for those of you who I talk to on a daily basis, you know Aubrey is the most mellow, easy going child; she's ideal! I'm reading it because I work with many different kids throughout the week when volunteering, babysitting, everyday ventures, etc. It's always good to know how to talk to kids so you can communicate effectively and of course, listen to children so you know what they're trying to communicate.

#7: LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS by Nick Vujicic

Nick was first brought to my attention by a business friend, Scott Schilling. Scott had seen Nick speak at a conference and was blown away by him. I picked up his book the other day at the library and it's definitely one I'll recommend to others. Nick was born without arms and legs. Nick is a wonderful Christian man and shares his message of faith and positivity with others all over the world. Nick swims, golfs, surfs....what?! How can he swim? He has no arms or legs. Well, he's learned how to adapt to what he's been given. Can you imagine?? Everyday we let the smallest things get in the way and here this man with no limbs learns how to conquers the tasks we take for granted everyday. It's also been a fun read because Nick's parents moved to Agoura Hills (5 min. away) when he was a kiddio so he uses a lot of references that I'm familiar with.
A clip from the book, page 93: Attitude is Altitude, Powering Up!: You can change your attitude and change your life without taking a pill, seeing a shrink, or trekking to a mountaintop to consult a guru. So far in this book I've been enouraging you to find your purpose, to have hope for the future and faith in the possibilities for your life, and to love yourself as you are.

Have you read any of these books? If so, would love your opinions! If you've got a good suggestion, please let me know!