Friday, March 30, 2012

A time for everything....

Man, did I get what I needed when opening my devotional today! I've been thinking a lot about my future lately, specifically looking into finances; what I need to put aside now in order to be comfortable for that beautiful time they call retirement!! In researching numbers and percentages, I was also looking at different careers in different locations. I thought about where some of my friends are and their incomes, I thought about the average 25 year old, etc.

Today I caught up on both yesterday and today's entries from my favorite devotional: Sarah Young's Jesus Calling. Too good not to share!

March 29th entry:
STOP TRYING TO WORK THINGS OUT before their times have come. Accept the limitations of living one day at a time. When something comes to your attention, ask Me whether or not it is part of todays agenda. If it isn't, release it into My care and go on about today's duties. When you follow this practice, there will be a beautiful simplicity about your life: a time for everything, and everything in its time.
A life lived close to Me is not complicated or cluttered. When your focus is on My Presence, many things that once troubled you lose their power over you. Though the world around you is messy and confusing, remember that I have overcome the world. I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have Peace.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. --Ecclesiastes 3:1

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

Lesson: When you're worried about your future, remember that God has big plans for your life. You need to put your concerns up to him before you start worrying and get anxious. I'm not saying you shouldn't plan or care about your future because you should but like the given verse says: There is a time for everything.