Sunday, March 25, 2012


Today after a lazy afternoon at Tara's parents, I decided to head down to the dock and try out this somewhat new sport, SUP: Stand Up Paddleboarding.
I didn't do it long as I wasn't feeling anything that took extra effort plus I didn't feel real stable. I'm going to tackle it again in proper apparel and attitude. While I was walking back up, I was thinking of our lazy afternoon. We both admitted to eating like crap lately, hadn't exercised and felt unmotivated.
As I walked up those long stairs back up to the house, the simplicity of the lesson came to me: anything worth value requires discipline.
If you want a degree, you must go to college. This requires discipline to get up, go to class, study and get good grades. If you want a nice figure, you must discipline yourself to eat good food, say no to crap and cake, exercise. If you want a long lasting marriage, you must discipline yourself to stay true to your spouse. If you want money in the bank, discipline your spending.
As I got back to Tara in the house, I told her my thoughts. She replied:
"Duh, I have no discipline that's why I haven't accomplished anything."
I love this girl. She always makes me laugh!!