Thursday, May 3, 2012

Give back the evidence of the lesson

When someone takes the time to help you out, one way you can return the favor is showing and acting on the lessons they've shared with you. These mentors, teachers, friends don't want to do the work for you but they're sure happy to give you a helping hand for a jump start. Don't make them push you through it, you need to push yourself to do it. They're there to cheer you on. The greatest gift back you can give them is applying their lesson and moving closer to success!
I helped a friend with some tips on starting a new business. Within 24 hours, I was so delighted to see an email from her, with her new company's name! (One of the things we had talked about)
She followed the guidelines and proved to me she was listening and appreciated my help. This was pay off for me! It was so delightful to see her one step closer to her success!