Saturday, March 30, 2013

30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth

So for the month of April, I have decided to try 30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth from one of my favorite websites: Marc&Angel. I'm looking forward to see what type of challenges are the hardest for me and where I'll grow the most.

30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth

30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
- Aristotle

Scientists have suggested that, with a little willpower, it takes roughly 30 days for a person to form a new habit. As with mastering anything new, the act of starting and getting beyond the preliminary stage where everything feels awkward is 80% of the battle. This is precisely why it’s important to make small, positive changes every day over the course of at least a 30 day period.

It’s like the old saying: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” The same philosophy holds true for making changes in your life. Trying to bite off more than you can chew will only make you choke. But taking smaller, manageable bites, one at a time – eating a little healthier, exercising a little, creating some simple productive habits, for example – is an amazing way to make positive changes and get excited about life.

And when you start small like this, you won’t need a lot of motivation either. The simple act of getting started and doing something will give you the momentum you need, and soon you’ll find yourself in a positive spiral of changes – one building on the other. When I started doing this in my life, I was so excited about it that I started this blog to share it with the world.

Below you will find 30 challenges to be accomplished over the course of 30 days. If carried out diligently each of them has the potential to create a new positive habit in your life. Yes, there is some slight overlap between a few of them. And no, you don’t have to attempt all at once. Pick 2 to 5 and commit the next 30 days, wholeheartedly, to successfully completing the challenge. Then once you feel comfortable with these habits, challenge yourself with a few more the following month.

SaraHHouse365 | Day 1: Use Words that Encourage Happiness
SaraHHouse365 | Day 2: Try one new thing everyday
SaraHHouse365 | Day 3: Perform one selfless act everyday
SaraHHouse365 | Day 4: Learn and practice a new skill every day
SaraHHouse365 | Day 5: Teach someone something new
SaraHHouse365 | Day 6: Dedicate an hour to something your passionate about
SaraHHouse365 | Day 7: Treat everyone nicely
SaraHHouse365 | Day 8: Concentrate on being positive
SaraHHouse365 | Day 9: Day 9: Don't forget the lesson!
SaraHHouse365 | Day 10: Enjoy Life as it Happens
SaraHHouse365 | Day 11: Get rid of one thing
SaraHHouse365 | Day 12: Do something new
SaraHHouse365 |30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth
Credits: MarcandAngel's 30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth


God Will Prepare Us

God Will Prepare Us

When it is God’s time to bring something into our lives,

He will often do it after HE has prepared us to receive it.

He may withhold a place of leadership until He has taught us how to serve.

He may withhold honor until He has taught us humility.

He may withhold possessions until He has taught us contentment.

He may withhold a relationship until He has taught us to be complete in Him.

He may withhold an overflow of finances until He has taught us how to give.

He may withhold guidance until He has taught us what is pleasing to Him.

He may withhold an active ministry until He taught us how to be still.

  - Unknown

SaraHHouse365 | Thank God for His Timing
SaraHHouse365 | Sarah's Book Recommendations - Feb. 2013

Credits: Hub Pages