Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Choosing Your Future - Saddleback Church, Rick Warren

I caught one of Rick Warren's Podcasts a week or two ago and have been hooked since. There's an app called Saddleback on the Android Market.
Here's one of his first sermons in 2013 along with some of my notes.

Choosing Your Future
Saddleback Church |  Rick Warren

January 6, 2013
AUDIO / VIDEO: http://saddleback.com/mc/m/a1bec/


What type of learning do you do?

Listening – Reading – Talking - Doing.
 How did God wire you?

·         One of the greatest gifts God has given you is: the freedom of CHOICE.

·         Our greatest gift can sometimes be our greatest enemy as well. We don’t always choose to use that gift wisely.

·         Will power is great to get you started but it doesn’t last. You need more than will power.

·         4 Resolutions

·         The REST of your life will be the BEST of your life.

·         MOSES made 4 Resolutions that altered his destiny.

·         What happens to you in life is not nearly as important as the choices you make in life.

·         You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it.

·         We make our choices and then our choices make us.

·         Your character is the sum total of your choices.

·         Hebrews 11 – MOSES





·         I refuse to be defined by others. God didn’t make you what others want you to be.
Moses had two choices: grow up as Pharoah’s grandson in royalty OR he can admit he’s Jewish and live amongst the slaves. He refused to live a lie. Most people are living a lie nowadays. They’re trying to be people they’re not. Causing enormous tension.
Who are you letting determine your identify?

o   Romans 12

o   When you know who you are, it sets you free from the fear of disapproval.

o   Envy = I must be like you. People pleasing = I must be liked by you.

o   Jeremiah 29

·         I choose short-term PAIN for long-term GAIN.

o   No pain, No gain.

o   It’s not just true in sports. It’s true in many parts of your life: Finances, Relationships, etc. I choose short-term PAIN for long-term GAIN

o   Most of your difficulties in life are due to your inability to put off the pleasure (aka choose short term pain)

o   Everything in our society teaches us: I want everything and I want it NOW. And I want it Easy and I want it Free. Life isn’t that way.

o   GOVERNMENT: Fiscal Cliff. Health: Exercise. Relationships: Sex.

o   The RIGHT thing to do is usually not the EASY thing to do.

o   When somebody hurts me: Easy – hurt them back. Right – forgive them.
Forgive them – it’s hard, it’s painful, I don’t want to let it go. I wanna carry a grudge.

o   Do you wanna know what I love about the Bible? It always tells the TRUTH. It never glosses over. SIN IS FUN.
*I only got to 23:25 when my audio cut out. Stay tuned for more!

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