Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Life is about service.....Sarah's House

So I think that if you are alive, healthy, grateful for your life and have an extra hour each week (we all know we can make an extra hour), that you should be reaching out to help others. There's no reason for not helping others. I believe life is about service. Serving others, helping others....
I'm excited for the next volunteering opportunity I'm hoping to get involved with! Today I reached out to a materinity home, Sarah's House.
Okay, first of all, how cool is it that the names are the same? That's how I first found out about this place; the name totally caught my eye when I saw they were holding a 5k. I entered and I'll never forget what the lady behind the table said when I signed up. She looked at my entry and said "oh no ma'am, your name goes here." hahaha!! I replied, "actually, this is kinda crazy but my name really is Sarah House," while I pulled out my drivers license for proof. It was fun event and since then, I've really wanted to reach out to volunteer and help out there.

A little about Sarah's House: Sarah's House is a non-profit, Christian Maternity Home dedicated to helping homeless, single and expectant mothers who want to make positive changes in their life, while in a secure, residential setting.     The residents are provided shelter, guidance and encouragement with the assistance of an understanding staff and group of volunteers.
With every woman that comes to Sarah's House, there also comes a mission. The women are given goals, requirements, and life skills to prepare them for the road ahead.

Sarah's House website: http://www.sarahshouse-online.org/

After all, we give because we are grateful. Are you grateful for all that you have? How are you showing and reminding yourself of that gratefulness?

SaraHHouse365 | 14 Ways to Love Your Neighbors
SaraHHouse365 | Staying Passionate about Life!!