Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Off Night, not content, impatient. Drive 17 miles to give someone a hug.

Wow, I had kinda an off night.

I’m usually very content, happy, just relaxed in the evening. Tonight I was not that.

I was annoyed. I wanted to shin kick everybody. I had a 2 sec. patience level. My dad told a story/lesson he thought of while driving home from the studio, however it took atleast 14 minutes to tell the story that I believe he could’ve finished in 1 min and 40 sec. and not only did I not have the patience for his story, I showed it. I showed him how annoyed I was. Almost as if I was tapping my foot as he was trying to tell the story. Who the heck am I to be so rude to others? And we’re not just talking others…..we’re talking about my parents, the ones who love me the most! It’s funny how we get most annoyed with those we live side by side with.

This might be a sign or a reminder that it’s time to get back in the saddle in the job field. I think this beautiful vacation is coming to an end.

I decided to give everybody a break from my short fuse so I took a drive. I called my great friend Steph and just ranted for about 20 min on her – bless her heart for taking it. Then the song “Home” came on by Phillip Phillips exactly as I was driving past Christina Lake Mountain – the perfect landmark. It was a good reminder that my time here is only temporary.

Two miles after that I almost hit 3 deer.

But the road kept going and I kept driving. Soon I was up in Battle Lake. Yesterday I found this beautiful poem from my friend Layna. She must’ve given it to me in the last 5 years for Valentine’s Day. I missed her so I decided to drive up to Stella’s Bistro and just give her a hug. Sometimes it’s nice to have an end destination to do something simple like that. Just drive 17+ miles to give someone a hug.

I’ll never forget when my Uncle Dan drove 2 ½ hours to drop off a basketball. He rang the doorbell, we were shocked, he gave the basketball to one of us and then simply walked back to his truck. I bet he was having the kind of day /night I am. He just needed some a lone drive time to think.
I just remembered Layna yelled out "It's your golden birthday this year!" right as I was exiting the building. It made me chuckle. It was random as we had talked nothing about my birthday during our short visit.

Oh and some nice dad pulled over in Battle Lake to tell me one of my taillights was out. I appreciated it. As I came out of Stella’s, a cop drove by. To my wonderful luck (sarcasm) he pulled over to his “hiding spot”, a spot that I would have to drive right past. After driving past him, he pulled out. I didn’t even have the effort. He was ¼ mile behind me and I just pulled over. He didn’t even need to put his lights on. I did the work for him. As he approached my car, I said “yeah yeah I know, a guy just told me 10 minutes ago my tail light is out.” He was actually very friendly (and cute!). We made small talk and parted ways. On the way home I thought of my dream (log) home, when and how my husband will come into my life and what I need to do (and make) in order for me to enjoy a comfortable life.

That’s all.