Monday, March 12, 2012

Thoughts on living wills?

Rich & Ruth's new home - click here to view video
This past weekend I fortunate enough to spend a 5-day weekend in Minnesota celebrating my brother-in-law, Rich's 30th and my Dad's birthday as well. Not only did we celebrate birthdays but it was also the first time everybody was gathering at their new home.

 Mom’s final doctor/ appointment (she got the clear she’s good to go! Woohoo!), we met up with my Aunt Paige and Aunt Cheri for some drinks and appetizers. We talked about many topics - current and old and one topic that I want to touch on is wills, you know the paper you make to give ownership over of your possessions. It made me ponder and wanted to ask some opinions. How old do you think you should make a will at? Do you think parents should take the initiative to make a will or should the children request it? Should the  will be decided by parents only or should the parents meet with their children to discuss it?

Of course I can understand where this is a very sensitive subject for many. You don't want to sound selfish for already planning out what you get or how horrible to already start planning for your parents death. For others, it's a responsibility or a life task that they hit head on. It's reality, we're all going to die, might as well be ready for it.
 For mom and her sisters, there's 6 children in the family. My grandmother has already passed away and my grandpa has remarried. I don't think Grandpa has made up a will yet and if that's true, I'm scared. I've heard such tragic stories about families that have been tore apart because no will has been made. Grandpa has an airport business involved, a second lake home up north, an airplane, etc.
 What are your thoughts on this? Do you think his “stuff” is just his now or do you think my late grandmother still has some ownership, even though dead? My grandmother worked hard for her children and she expressed would want her kids to have their (my grandfather and grandmother’s) “stuff”. I think if my Grandpa doesn’t get a will drawn up very soon, it’s going to be World War III. I should note, my grandpa's new wife is wonderful and we all love her! 
 When we have rules and regulations to follow, things go a lot smoother because there’s an order to follow. Everybody will have items they would like to possess to remind them up of their parents, and there will be fights. My opinion is the more thorough the will, the less room for fighting.  The more thought through and exact directions there are for everything, the less wiggle room for fighting. I believe it’s the responsibility of the parents to draw up a will as soon as possible. I’ve heard of spouses passing at 40 and they already have a will drawn up.
  • How much do wills cost?
  • What's the average age people get a will made up at?
After thinking about it, I think people need to buck up, set feelings or awkwardness aside and handle this like serious, professional business. It might be awkward for couple days but overall, it's going to save a lot of tears, hearbreak, fights, relationship endings, family break-ups, etc. I believe it's your responsibility to your family (or friends) to have this taken care of.

After a few minutes of research online, I found that they've made wills very easy!! Check out to do your own will online. Or if you want to see an example of a sample will, you'll realize they don't have to be complicated.

Side lesson: I learned tonight is book a flight when it’s pretty decently cheap. Tonight my flight  left at 7:25 pm and I booked my flight at 3:50 pm. Just 4 hours before and  it costed me $ way...ouch!