Monday, March 19, 2012

home vs. house

This afternoon I spent with one of my very favorite families: The Mr. Robert & Jacquelyn Larson family who I refer to ask "Bob & Jac" (sorry, Jacquelyn). I met Jacquelyn and her daughters Tara and Maggie last June when we all were teachers at Calvary's Vacation Bible School. Tara is now one of my closest friends, Maggie "Marge" is like another sister to me and Bob and Jacquelyn have been my "California parents". Bob and Jacquelyn moved to Lake Sherwood a few months ago in December 2011. They went from a 3,500+ sq. ft. home to nearly a third of that. It might be a downsize on the square footage of their beautiful home in Thousand Oaks but definitely an up-size in their beautiful view of Lake Sherwood! Personally, I love the size of the new place; it makes it more homey and cozy in my opinion.
898 Lake Sherwood Dr.

 Tonight as I left their home, I looked over at the big empty estate next to them. This estate is HUGE! It's a beautiful piece of work and it's a shame it's not occupied. I went home and looked at a few pictures of it off the real estate website tonight.
The home is side by side with the Larsons, maybe 5 yd. between. Tonight, if that home would've been occupied, they would've been able to glance into the Larson's TV room and saw all of us sitting around, laughing and chatting.
The Larsons' have fixed up their new lake house to the most beautiful cozy place! I absolutely love spending time at their place, why? Because of them, the Larsons! Sure, the view is gorgeous and they're surrounded by celebrities and millions of dollars but that's not why I enjoy going there. At the end of the day, it's the people in a house that make a home!

Summary:     House = A structure people live in.
                     Home  = people + warm house atmosphere

Lesson: Remember to invest and value more in the people of your house than the materials in your house.