Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"It's what makes a person rich" - Mary B.

Nov 28, 2012

Man, I love this.

"As for life...what an I say?" Sometimes it comes at you full speed ahead and it can knock you down...hard. But you get back up. So it knocks you down again. And you get back up. And somtimes it feels like all life ever does is try to knock you on your ass! But every time you get back up you're a little stronger and a little wiser. And pretty soon you don't sweat the small stuff...and life is good :) Some days are painful. Some days you're overwhelmed with happiness and contentment. They're all feelings. They're all experiences. It's what makes a person rich."

Mary, these words probably anxiously came out the tip fo your fingers tonight yet I thought they were written like someone must've taken 12 years to write them.
 Little did you know the effect and people they would reach. I just had to share...
thank you!