Friday, August 31, 2012

Guilted by nice actions.

Be nice to people.

If a situation comes up to ever do you wrong, the feeling of guilt will most likely overcome them to choose to do what's right...........(or best for you).

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

WE SHOT THE MINNOW! Too much fun at The Tersteeg Resort!


WE SHOT THE MINNOW! The Tersteeg Resort Gang
The Coral. Nelson, MN. 8/24/12


What an excellent time at "The Tersteeg Resort" this past weekend!
 - aka my friend Steph's parents house near Osakis, Minnesota.

Shoot A Minnow. The Coral Bar, Nelson, MN
Have you ever "shot a minnow"? If not, it's time to visit downtown Nelson at The Corral! For $7, you get a shot (you pick) containing a real (dead) frozen minnow and T-shirt stating "I shot the minnow!"

Sarah House, Steph Tersteeg, Mama Tersteeg, Matt Langner
Sarah & Steph
Aug. 24, 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Glenburn, North Dakota 8.18.12. Ducks visit during Early goose.

Another video from my visit last week through North Dakota.
Last Week's Blog.
This video taken near Glenburn, ND while visiting my good friend Andrew Zickur ( HNTDUX ).
To see more videos, visit me on Youtube: Msjojohouse Channel

Friday, August 24, 2012

I am grateful for....

I am grateful for....


Gary Goldstein introduced me to this ring, created by Jenny Craig (no, not that one).
You can find this ring at:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Week 1 - roadtrip across North Dakota

It's been such a great week!
My car that has been parked at Mom and Dad's has been greatly missed! To get it up and running was one of my first things to do when I got to Melby. So by Monday morning, the 'ole Aurora was up and running, insurance, registration and tabs renewed!
Tuesday afternoon I hit the road to Fargo and got to see Kelsey and Matt and Kacie.
It was great to catch up with these great girlfriends. We shared some good catch up time over a bottle of wine (to which all of us ending up just having a few sips before we all opted for water). I really enjoy spending time with this gals and seeing how we're all getting older and we opt out of the alcohol because a glass of water and an early bedtime feels way better! Aw, I'll take age 25 over 21 anyday!
I said my good byes to Kelsey and Matt before heading over to Kacie's new place in South Fargo. Kacie's boyfriend Ryan was due home any day; he's been in Iraq for the past year. Kace has done a wonderful job putting the "woman's touch" on Ryan's house. Now that I'm writing this, I received the great news that Ryan touched down in Fargo at noon safely - WELCOME HOME RYAN!!!
Kace and I ended up staying up later than we expected (2 am!) but the chat was well worth it. Kacie and I share a lot of the same moral values and beliefs so it's always so easy talking to her on almost every subject. The next morning we shared a great cup of coffee (or 2!) on the deck listening to the geese fly in before we parted ways to start our days.
2005 Moorhead State Nelson Hall Reunion!!
I got on I-94 and headed west to Bismarck. I met up with Allie Stomp who was my next door neighbor on the 10th floor of the Nelson dorms at Moorhead State. So good to see her after 5 years!! We had a great lunch catching up!
My next stop was Glenburn, North Dakota - (just a little north of Minot) to catch up with my hometown friend Andrew Zickur who grew up on the outskirts of Melby about a mile away from my parents. So I hit the road for the last stretch of traveling for the day - about 110 miles north of Bismarck. Andrew....or shall I say Sargent Zickur is stationed at the Minot Air Force Base there.
I made it to Andrew's just in the nick of time to get out hunting with him and his fellow AFB buddy Dusty. And although it was Geese Opener, the ducks were much more abundant to which I got some awesome footage of ducks flying in that night.
The town of Glenburn was great!! I even got offered a job during my 3 day stay - as a school bus driver! woohoo!! My favorite part was when I had to make a fax and so I was instructed to do it at the City Council. When I got to the door, I discovered it was closed for the day. Underneath the poster it stated "CLOSED Friday: Doctor's Appt in Bismarck" - ah haa I love it!!

Andrew Zickur - the person who never fails
 at putting a smile on my face!
So I asked the lady at the bank who instructed me to the school. I felt like I had almost met the whole town at this point ! The greatest part was that they just kept getting friendlier and friendlier!
Each morning I would get up head out for a sunrise walk/jog at the same time Andrew departed for work. Those morning walks were glorious and so essential to a peaceful mind. You get to do so much thinking with no distractions - just Mother Nature surrounding you.
During the next two days we scouted and hunted every evening. I know usually success is based on how many birds you killed, right? Although we didn't take any birds, the success rate was 159% every day! It was such a great time to take in the beauty and simplicity! Plus it was really fun for me to capture some video while we were out there!
 Oh, did I mention we saw a moose?! And it was by far the most action I've captured on my camera in the fields before!

Andrew Zickur is one person who can always put a smile on my face and make me laugh at anything!! As my left Glenburn, my cheeks were sore from laughing so much!! Mark Glenburn down as a SUCCESS!
On the way home, I decided to take a different route and go through Grand Forks to see some new scenery. As I was driving along, I passed a sign that said "GEOGRAPHIC CENTER OF NORTH AMERICA. RUGBY, ND. 2 MILES"
I was a little bit suprised! I stopped to snap a pic and continued on my way.

Now here I am in Elbow Lake; it's hard to believe that just 6 hours ago I was in Glenburn. It was so good to be able to hug these precious little gifts, better known as my nephews- Ben and Drew. Also fun to catch up with my brother Tom and his wife Kari who just announced they are expecting their first child together in February!! Another niece or nephew for this Auntie - whoooa boy!!
 My poor nephew Drew got sick so Auntie arrived just in time to cuddle and baby him. And of course who doesn't love being greeted with an "Auntie Jo!!!" and big hug from Benny!!
I remember when I was sick as a youngin' and how much patience my mom had while nursing us back to health. Oh, I don't know how she did it but in the end it doesn't matter how much tylenol you've had or how tasty the chicken noodle soup is, what it boils down to is the nursing, the cuddling and the care. To know that someone is there to put a cool sheet on you just seconds after you requested the warmest quilt, to know that someone will just hold you and rub your forehead through all your madness. I was so glad I made it in time to be able to help with Drew tonight. Those are the moments Auntie's live for!!
Overall, great week catching up with friends!!
  • Quick re-cap of good lessons:
  •  Living out of a carry-on is not so bad.
  • The simplicity and peace of a small town is grand and under-rated.
  • Do not act on emotions - go to the Bible for advice when wanting to react to your emotions.
  • Cuddling, extra patience and love is KEY when you're sick - why do you think every kid wants their mom when they feel their worst? Because Mom's are the best at it.....Auntie's come in a close #2!!
  • Do not let a couple hours keep you from visiting a friend or two - you really can fit a lot in a 3-4 day road trip.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hollywood Flea Market

Looking through old pictures...
I met Chelsey NOrberg (who was in town visiting her brother) and her mom down at the Hollywood Flea Market (Fairfax & Melrse) on a Sunday afternoon.



Saturday, August 11, 2012

In the constant Go-go-go....make time for rest.

As many of you know, I'm taking the next 2 months off to rest and truly enjoy some down time in between job transitions. I've decided to do this for myself but not just to sleep in and watch the Olympics everyday (as appealing as that sounds!), I truly want to enjoy this time. I have already spent my first 3 days with my godson Luke and my niece Avery and it has been wonderful. Last night Avery and I did a sunset stroller jog in the rural woods area by Ruth and Rich's in central Minnesota. It was enjoyable for me to just take in all of Minnesota's beauty in addition to staring down at the precious 3 month old girl.
Right when I moved out to California, it was a lot of go-go-go. I remember we were going to be doing some work in the studio which for me, pretty much means minimal sleep. I get anxious and always have to be double prepared because studio time is very precious. What I mean by that is, when you get producers, directors, make-up, lighting, talent, etc. to come together, you need to make your time count. So in between long hours at the studio and helping out with Aubrey, I was wearing thin. My mom sent me this card as a reminder to take care of myself.

It was such a great reminder that yes, although 24/7 can be fun, it can take its toll.
Kelsey Stuart, my good girlfriend from my Calvary Small Group shared something with me that she learned in her MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) group. A speaker came in and challenged them to turn off the TV, radio, Ipod, any background noise you have going on throughout the day. Think about the last time you really had some silence in your life. Kids are so used to always having something going on.
  • Do you always have the TV on in the background when you're making breakfast in the morning?
  • Is the radio or your Ipod plugged in and going 95% of your drive time?
  • If you went for a jog, you'd bring your earbuds, right?

For me, these answers were all yes.
I took the challenge and decided to opt out of my normal "noise" routine for a month. And guess what? It was awesome!! Part of my challenge was to replace that "noise" with prayer. A quick example: I was able to give my worries that day to God during a short 4 minute drive to the grocery store and by the time I got to the grocery store, I felt so much better. Who would've known turning off the radio would've done that?
Silence. Rest. Relaxation. Downtime.
I challenge you to make time for it.

SaraHHouse365 | I will give you rest
SaraHHouse365 | Being Quiet
SaraHHouse365 | One Thousand Gifts

Friday, August 10, 2012

You have no time to love them....

 If you judge people. you have no time to love them.
-Mother Teresa

SaraHHouse365 | Judging OthersSaraHHouse365 | 14 Ways to Love Your Neighbors  |

Monday, August 6, 2012

Leaving California . . .

Clips of an email I sent out to my family and friends July 29, 2012...

In the last couple days, many of you have reached out to me asking about the upcoming transition in my life. I thought it would be best to put an email together explaining what’s going on.

Yes, it’s true. After two great years in California, I am parting ways with Kent and Aubrey.

Over this summer, there’s been talk about downsizing from our current house. Just in June when visiting Tennessee, a proposition came up for Kent to purchase a beautiful log home at a killer price. He has decided to purchase this log “cabin” while the fire is hot. In doing so, he’s downsizing from his Westlake Village home to a smaller condo in the Westlake area in combination with the TN home.
With this major housing decision, Kent and I had a business meeting. Kent’s company, like many others, has taken its toll over the last year. He mentioned with finances so tight that he was looking at the option of now sharing me with Amy, Aubrey’s mom. I wasn't thrilled at the idea of cutting hours, being a split nanny and the business downsizing so I told Kent I think it's an appropriate time for me to end this journey and move on to the next adventure. He respected that and we are ending on great terms.
I actually contemplated a move a few months back and every time I seriously put thought into it, emotions took over when I thought about leaving Kent and Aubrey. I have been with them almost 2 years now and they truly are just like family. I have been praying about this transition and now when I think about the future, rather than sad emotions, I get excited for new adventure. Although I will miss everyday excitement with Kent and Aubrey, I know we are “stuck” with each other, no matter where life brings us.

All these decisions have been made in the last two weeks and with the lease of his house being up the end of July, downsizing, packing, moving sales are all happening at once.
In figuring out my next step, there has been a lot of prayer about the direction to go! I’m currently in the process of interviewing with a New York agency. I’m also looking at Chicago.
I am looking for a position similar to my current role: business and childcare combo .
As of right now, my plan is to take August and September to relax and just enjoy some down time with my family. I have some mini road trips planned to visit friends as well. After enjoying my last few days with my friends here in Westlake and Aubrey, I will be returning to Minnesota to spend some time in Becker with Rich, Ruth and the kids before heading to Canada with Dad, Mom, Tom, Kari and the boys to slaughter some walleyes! I told those Swedish blonde au-pair girlfriends of mine that I’d make a trip overseas to see them so I’m thinking September might be a good opportunity.

I listened to a great sermon on my Daily Bible App last week while walking my neighbor’s dog. It was Joel Osteen speaking on “God Closes Doors too”. I am thanking him for opening this door and I am now thanking him for closing it. I have had such an amazing experience over the last 2 years and I truly believe He has a great plan for my life and I can't wait to see what’s in store next! I've never been so excited for the next step.....and not knowing exactly what it is! I guess that's faith. (by the way, you gotta get that app!! it's a great one! You can find more specifics and instructions on my blog)

Also, I'm going to slowly start transitioning to my gmail account:
Or catch my blog at

I hope to see many of you over my break in August and September!


"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  -Jeremiah 29:11

CIAO for now! Josey Kent's adventures

A girl from my hometown took a change of scenery and decided to study abroad this summer to Italy! I've enjoyed reading Ms. Josey Kent's blog throughout her travels. In her most recent blog, she summed it up with this:
"------What I've learned from this experience is that it is so important to take a break from your busy, constant demanding schedule and even from your favorite people, your every day life and take more than a moment to yourself and enjoy it, don't feel guilty about it...(I struggled with this for awhile) but talk to God, love God, love everything, appreciate the little tiny things, the ability to be independent and meet and make friends with new people and appreciate differences. I don't remember the last time I've been so happy, and now I know why..... and everyone has different ways of knowing! I'm really not a cheesy person, but i'm feeling nostalgic as it's one of my last weeks in Europe, and I've had to say goodbye to so many people. However, this trip has also made me appreciate Ashby and Moorhead so much more, I misss my friends and family so much and my heart aches for you all quite a bit. I miss the safety, knowing everyone, homemade french toast, fresh water, my pooches and Starbucks. But, it won't be long before i'm back to reality, so until then.... I shall enjoy spending every penny of my loan... sorry DAD, and continue to discover Europe.  "
I love the way she summed it up! Especially the beginning part....
What I've learned from this experience is that it is so important to take a break from your busy, constant demanding schedule and even from your favorite people, your every day life and take more than a moment to yourself and enjoy it, don't feel guilty about it...(I struggled with this for awhile) but talk to God, love God, love everything, appreciate the little tiny things, the ability to be independent and meet and make friends with new people and appreciate differences.
Congratulations Josey!
You can read Josey's overseas adventures at :