Friday, April 12, 2013

30 Challenges | Day 12

30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth
April 12, 2013

12. Create something brand new in 30 days or less.
– Creation is a process like none other. Putting to use your innovative faculties and constructing something with your own two hands will leave you with an indescribable sense of wholeness. There is no substitute for it. The only caveat is that it must be related to something you actually care about. If you are creating financial plans for clients all day and you hate it, that doesn’t really count. But if you can find something you love, and create something related to it, it will make all the difference in your life. If you haven’t created something in a while just for the sake of creating, do so. Take the next 30 days and let your creativity run wild.


SaraHHouse365 | 30 Challenges | Day 6: Dedicate an hour
SaraHHouse365 | 30 Challenges | Day 7: Treat Everyone Nicely
SaraHHouse365 | 30 Challenges | Day 9: Life Lessons
SaraHHouse365 | 30 Challenges | Day 10: Enjoy Life as it happens.