Tuesday, January 22, 2013

SMALL GROUP: Live Your Calling

For our Small Group:
The package with all the DVDs and Study Guides is estimated to be here on Thursday. I just read that we each get one of Rick Warren's new books - yay! That's why the tracking # said it was 27 lb!
Here's a little more information...

This Saturday and Sunday is the beginning of our new six-week series. During this six-week journey you will learn about discovering your calling and answering life’s biggest question — What On Earth Am I Here For?

Not In a Small Group? Join One Today!
Small Group Series
Get the most out of this new series by joining a small group. In your small group's weekly meetings, you'll discuss the weekly topic. And, every small group member receives a free copy of Pastor Rick's What On Earth Am I Here For? book and workbook.

Join the conversation

Be part of the online experience
Access free resources for you and your

group at saddleback.com/mycalling.

 Share what you’re learning with your friends and followers by using #mycalling on Twitter, @saddlebackchurch on Instagram, or tagging Saddleback Church in your Facebook posts.

I picked a few questions from the FAQ at Saddle's website.
To check out the full list of FAQ,
click here.

What is the format for small groups?
  • People connect in new small groups consisting of 6 to 16 people who provide love, support, friendship, connection and spiritual strength. The format is an informal and comfortable 1½-2 hour gathering at the home of a Host for six weeks. Participants are comprised of people from our church, as well as friends, neighbors, relatives and coworkers who are invited to join in the adventure. Most groups are guided through the study series using DVD programs and study guides.

How long should the average small group meeting last?
  • A typical small group meeting is one and a half to two hours. However, it is unique for each group, depending on the type of group, and should be worked out by agreement of the group members in the process of developing the Small Group Agreement that covers what will be done and how it will be done in your small group.
How should our group handle childcare?
  • First, make childcare a top priority in order to make it happen. If there are people who can't afford childcare, others need to step up to help out. Another thing is that you want to rally together. You might be able to get a sitter to watch the kids in one part of the house while the group meets in another room. If there's home nearby, one person can watch the kids there while the group meets in another house. You may even try to rotate people out of the group to take care of the children.

or search "Small Group" in Search Bar on right.