I think it's so interesting how God puts exactly what we need in our lives at exactly the right time. Calvary helped me grow at such an essential part of my life. I was 1,800 miles away from home where I was "free" to grow on my own.
While I was back visiting, I was so lucky as Pastor Shawn touched on one of my favorite topics: family! I was smiling and so excited during the whole sermon. It was too good not to share w/ y'all!!
If video doesn't play, you can visit Calvary's Media website to catch this sermon:
"Better Together: A Balanced Diet of Authentic Relationships". September 30, 2012
Some of my sermon notes include:
People in healthy churches are interconnected in a wide variety of meaningful spirtual relationships.
If you want to go fast, go a lone.
If you want to go far, go together.
3 dimensions of authentic spiritual relationships...
We naturally share a common
idenitity in Christ (Acts 2:42-47)
- we hang out together
- remember together
- celebrate together
- care together
- grow together
We intentionally help each other grow in Christ (Acts 20:36-38; Galatians 2:11-21)
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" - Proverbs 27:17
- connected together enough that there is permission to encourage each other
- connected together enough that there is permission to confront each other
We specificially invest in someone else becoming like Christ (Acts 16:1-5; 2 Timothy 2:1-2)
- look for someone farther along in Chris to pour into your life
- look for someone no so far along in Christ to pour your life into
- expect those you mentor spiritually to
look for others they can mentor spiritually
- Are you engaging in the family being family?
- Are you a part of iron sharpening iron?
- Are you making disciples?
I scribbled on the bottom a book Pastor Shawn mentioned but I didn't catch the author.
Book: Celebration of Discipline by ____?______
Have any of you read it? If so, please email me , would love to hearyour review!! (or author's name)
Calvary is so resourceful and always include great media to go with the sermon. You can find those additional resources right below the sermon playing or I've posted a few the Take 5 notes below.
Take 5 Notes for Week of September 30, 2012
I was so lucky to be able to catch this sermon with The Larsons (aka Tara's fam)!! The Larsons have been just like my second family and it was perfect that we all made church together.
Life is hard - we need a net of meaningful relationships to get through it!